Doodles life during a pandemic

June 2020

June 1st

“School Spot.” Thanks Mo Bird for the suggestion. Today, children can return to school (optional) as parents head back to work. School has changed. Social distancing, hand washing and health checks are required. There are many new rules which will be challenging for the teachers. Sending out virtual hugs to you now. In this time of upheaval, let us remember to be kind and respectful to all.

June 5th

“Office Time.” Many workplaces are staggering the return of their personnel. More people opt to work from home. The impact of this new job culture is socially and economically profound. If people don’t go to work at the office...the office space is irrelevant. Businesses that thrived in conjunction with office workers- cafe, shops even transit will be impacted. What will happen to job satisfaction when everyone can’t chat around the water cooler?
We live in interesting times.

June 9th 

“Day Off,” celebrates Dr. Bonnie Henry, Minister of Health Adrian Dix and our beloved signer for the deaf, Nigel Howard having some time off after many months of daily Covid updates. As lovely as it was to see their reassuring faces and calm dispositions, it’s a relief that the Covid cases are dropping to manageable levels.
Stay safe. Safe apart. Have a cup of tea without Bonnie

June 12th - B 

June 12 Claire Lawrence did a double Doodle – this will be her final Doodle.

June 2nd

“Penpals.” This doodle is dedicated to Blackout Tuesday following the death of George Floyd from police brutality in the United States. It’s time to educate ourselves and make social changes. If the pandemic can bring about some good, let it be social change. Black lives matter.

June 6th

“Back to Work.” For all the pets that have enjoyed 90+ days of human companionship and been on their best behaviour. The start of a new routine. Some animals will be grateful to finally get some rest after endless walks and entertainment. Others, will suffer from anxiety and loneliness. Be kind to your little buddies. Look after yourself. They depend on you.
Stay safe. Stay apart. Be kind to your fury friends

June 10th

“Getting Ready for Work.” British Columbia is flatlining. Covid cases have dropped due to diligence and mostly staying apart. The flair ups from large group/ sharing food buffet style is a warning. The virus is still out there. Outside BC, the virus is hitting all time highs. We are still very much in a pandemic.

June 3rd

“Mall Opening.” It will be interesting to see how large malls will cope now the restrictions are lifting. They were struggling before as more people were shopping online. How will heavy holiday shopping be handled? For those who wish to avoid the rush, you’ve got six months to prepare. Stay safe. Stay apart. Go for a walk.

June 7th

“Beginnings.” Protests across Canada, the United States and the world continue for Black Lives Matter. It is a time for beginning— to acknowledge the wrongs, the injustices and inequalities. It starts with one person at a time.
Stay safe. The pandemic continues and does not discriminate.

June 11th

“Magic Shadows Return.” We’re getting down to the short strokes. The easing of restrictions brings hope that Hollywood North will start up again. Personally, my days as a doodler are beginning to wind up. Life is returning to normal-ish. The official beginning of the pandemic, as declared by the WHO, was declared March 12, 2020. Tomorrow will be June 12 and it will be the last day of daily doodles. I think I’ve drawn everything I need to after tomorrow. I’m proud to have created over 100+ doodles, and I’ve enjoyed sharing them with you.

June 4th

“Dating.” Finding your true love can be challenging. Now, it’s a bit more complicated? Do you hug? Do you kiss? Can you go for a drink? Do you show proof you’ve been tested? Hark Romeos and Juliets, the slings and arrows of Covid might entail extending a feather duster...and the swishing of the wrist as you whisper, “Kiss, kiss, kiss.” Stay safe. Stay apart. Be kind. Swish. Kiss, kiss.

June 8th

“Escape the Pandemic.” I’ve noticed a steady rise in traffic, people at the mall (crazy line ups to get into a fitness apparel shop and computer shop...people must need new exercise clothes and replace worn out electronics!) As we head back to a new normal, the next lift in restrictions will be cinemas and spas. The movie industry will reopen and crank out flicks that have been on hold. Finally, sports will return. In what form? Stay tuned.

June 12th - A

END OF JOURNALS March 12, 2020- June 12 2020