Nice to Meet You

-Stories of Migration


The exhibition is the concept of photographer Luana Magno and in cooperation with TCLIP. Luana found a great connection to the stories shared in the Diversity in Leadership Project organized by TCLIP and S.U.C.C.E.S.S and consequently with the people telling them, some of whom you will find in this exhibition.

When coming together in this project, they were not under-represented any longer, at least not in this space, where diversity was seen as wealth, something to be celebrated and treasured. From this experience, a desire developed in Luana to create community connections by sharing the journeys of other migrants. By seeing their friendly faces and hearing their stories, neighbours and communities would know precisely how much value and potential these immigrants bring with them. This vision became the Nice to Meet You Project – Stories of migration. When you walk through our exhibition you get a sense of meeting the community. Behind each portrait picture, there was a quote from the individual and a QR code that allowed you to watch each individuals interview online.

The museum was delighted to celebrate diversity and community with this new exhibition. If you like to share your own stories or know someone who would like to participate in this ongoing project, email Luana.

Our amazing volunteer Gerrit de Waal filmed the interviews and spent countless hours editing the film material. While it was fun recording the interviews, it was a lot of hard work cutting down the material, and combining two different camera angles. The museum is thankful that we have such a dedicated and capable volunteer in Gerrit.


The Suitcase Project


First World War Trench Display