McCarthy and
Kreut Stores

IOCO Memories
Chapter 14

McCarthy’s Store

Gregory Kingsbury

The McCarthy’s ran a store right across from the Ioco general store. There were some wood steps going up the hill from Ioco Road. The door was at an angle and the 1 cent candy was in a case just inside the door. There was a gas station North of McCarthy’s with old fashion high pumps.
Well the one across from the store that’s there now (The Groceteria) was owned by Matt McCarthy and he was the druggist as well. He used to make up any prescriptions and everything but he owned the store and lived there but it burned down several times too and he rebuilt it.

Marjory Kingsbury (nee Kreut)

Later, another store was built across from the general store by a druggist named Mac McCarthy. He sold prescription drugs, confections and other items.
McCarthy's store burned down more than once and we kids would pick through the rubble and find wet packages of gum and chocolate bars and all sorts of things. I also remember a red machine on the store porch. We kids would all hold hands and put a penny in the machine and we would get an electric shock tickling all through our arms and hands. It was great fun.
Mac's store and Hammerback's garage have been long gone from Ioco.

Kruet Store

Emily Hanson

In the early 1940’s, Bill Kruet operated a little store from his home, located on the North side of Ioco Road in the 1300 block. He sold ice cream and pop and had 5 cent pinball machine on the porch. People would walk up from Ioco during WWII since people couldn’t get into Vancouver as much. He did well for himself and he kept his place open longer then the Ioco Groceteria.