Anglican Church

IOCO Memories
Chapter 7


The Anglicans, with Rev. Arnold Turner, closely followed the building of the of the St. Andrews United Church. Construction began  next to the Ioco school om First Avenue in 1926 by volunteer labour. 

After the war, much of the All Saints membership shifted to Port Moody. By 1970, All Saints was vacated then torn down. St. Andrew’s Church survived and continued to hold services as the Ioco United Church.

Marjory Kingsbury

There was no church when I was little because I was christened in the hall, the Ioco Hall. They used to have a mass christening, you know for the children.  They used to hold church services in there.

 I guess my mother was Anglican because I used to go to church with her, sometimes when my dad was on shift we would go to the Anglican Church and then in the day time I went to the United Church you know, to get a little bit of both.