Great War Talk Series

As Canada marked the 100th anniversary of WWI, we began our Great War Talk Series led by battlefield historian John Goheen and Markus Fahrner. The talks throughout the years covered a variety of topics; the importance of WWI to Canada's development as a nation, specific battles, animals in war, and living conditions in the trenches. Guest Speakers were brought in to talk about weaponry, war brides, and more.

Battlefield Historian John Goheen

The museum hosted numerous Great War talks on various topics throughout the years, with some culminating in a candlelight vigil

Throughout the years of the McKnight Trench Exhibit, the museum held a solemn candlelight vigil in Remembrance of the Great War.

A guest speaker was brought in to talk about the historical events of WWI, the guests then were invited outside to light candles, and walk into the WWI trench for the last post and two minutes of silence.

Video Credit: Gerrit deWaal and Tri -Cities Community Television