S.E.5a Replica

In 2018, Deborah Nijdam found a S.E.5a WWI biplane and facilitated its transfer to the museum. It fit perfectly into our WWI trench. Thank you Deborah NiJdam and John Grasty for helping bring this plane to the museum.

On the tours, visitors had the opportunity to observe the S.E.5a aircraft and gain insights into WWI aviation history. At the start of WWI, aeroplanes were a relatively recent invention and were used only for reconnaissance purposes. As air technology improved, both sides began attaching machine guns to their aircrafts, leading to fighter aircrafts and the beginning of aerial warfare.

The museum’s S.E.5a 7/8 scale replica kit was built by an aviation enthusiast named Vic Murray in Maple Ridge, B.C. who spent many years building it and is believed to have been flown for a few years. This would be a replica of one of the planes flown by Canadian pilot Freddie McCall of Vernon, B.C.

Photo credited to Tri City News

Video credit: Tri City Community Television, Markus Fahrner and Ashley Smith talk about the SE5a